A clear picture of the future is the foundation for flourishing


What is more important: Complexity or clarity? Sophistication is often necessary for greatness. But exposed complexity mainly impresses your peers. Clarity is what impresses your customers.

Depending on who you are, you could swap out customers for another group. Teachers could say “my students”. Writers could say “my readers” And leaders could say “my team”.

My job has many dimensions and layers. Lots of stuff to do and things crying out for attention. So many projects, so many stakeholders and so little time.

To survive in this world can be a challenge. Most leaders think it’s near impossible to thrive, but I believe it’s within our grasp.

A clear picture of the future is the foundation for flourishing. We tease out the essence of our mission. We make the effort to distill the many demands of our environment into a sort of true north. And this turns complexity into clarity.

I’ve been working towards this myself. My current self-styled job description is as follows:

Do whatever it takes to help my team:

1. Stay together
2. Grow as individuals
3. Avoid burnout

I visualize what our IT portfolio will look like in a year from now if people don’t resign. If we’ve all improved and are healthy. It’s a good picture and one I channel all my energy into.