Adapting your defenses to protect your own weaknesses


My own weakness and lack of self control never ceases to amaze. The latest episode in the ongoing saga stars Mr. Protein Cookie.

I’ve avoided sweets like the plague for years. All I have is the occasional dessert or slice of cake at Christmas lunch or my kids birthday. But no chips, coke or candy for this guy.

I’ve been a good boy. But that’s only half the story. The real “goodness” is in my environment. We never buy sweets. As I wrote previously, it’s hard to eat sweets that are not there.

Surrounded me with sweets and I’ll eat them. My only achievement is wrapping myself in a bubble that protects myself from myself!

But as Jurassic Park has taught us: Life will find a way. My appetite recently found a way through my defenses. I do allow myself one low GI bar or protein cookie every night. A treat a day keeps the appetite at bay.

Or does it?

During the lockdown shops started running out of my after dinner staples. So we got into the habit of buying every cookie we saw. Now we have a giant bag of cookies... And I’ve been having two or three a day. I just can’t help myself.

The only solution is to stop buying them. My defenses must adapt to this new threat to my waistline.

And I must eat the remaining ones ASAP so they can stop tempting me ;)