Are you conservative or progressive?


Are you conservative or progressive? This is a question I refuse to answer unless you give me the context because the answer should not always be the same. And if the answer should not always be the same, then surely pigeon-holing people into ideological boxes can be both counterproductive and dangerous.


Conservatism is a political and social philosophy that promotes traditional social institutions. But the essence of conservatism varies in relation to the traditional values and practices of the culture and civilization in which it appears. Both where and when matters. As does the what.

For example: A long time ago, in the United States, the Democratic Party was oddly considered the more conservative party. In early American politics the Democrats practiced 'conservatism' in its attempts to maintain the social and economic institution of slavery. President Andrew Johnson – a Democrat – is one well known example.  He was considered a “conservative.”

In those days the Democrats were often called conservative and embraced that label. Many of them were conservative in the sense that they wanted things to be like they were in the past, especially as far as race was concerned.

If someone holds a conservative view on an issue, it’s helpful to understanding the root of their thinking and their perspective:

"To be conservative ... is to prefer the familiar to the unknown, to prefer the tried to the untried, fact to mystery, the actual to the possible, the limited to the unbounded, the near to the distant, the sufficient to the superabundant, the convenient to the perfect, present laughter to utopian bliss." - Michael Oakeshott

Using the above definition to examine my own range of views over the course of my lifetime, I can see that there were times when on specific issues I would have held a conservative view. But on many occasions and on my topics my view would have progressive.


Progressivism is a political and social philosophy in support of social reform. It is largely based on the idea of progress. Progressive thinkers believe that advancements in science, technology, economic development and social organization are critical to the improvement of the human condition.

But again, the exact issue, time and place matters. The meaning of progressivism has changed over time. For example: In the early 20th century progressivism was tied to both eugenics and the temperance movement. This might come as a shock to a 21st century “progressive”. But both of those movements were promoted as initiatives toward the goal of making progress in public health.

Beyond labels

I started by saying that context matters and putting labels on people create problems. So, let’s say you are a modern progressive. Imagine the broader progressive community begins to embrace something like eugenics as a tool for social progress. Would you still consider yourself a progressive? Or would you hold fast to a more traditional view on how human genetics should be handled? Would you be a conservative at that time and on that issue?

This is my whole point. Give me the time, the place and the issue. Then I will tell you how I feel about it. But don’t try to call me a Conservative or a Progressive or an Anything for that matter.

If you are going to call me anything then call me someone who understands that I don’t know everything. Someone who knows that I am wrong about many things. Call me intellectually curious, call me open minded and call me unorthodox. But put your label maker back in the stationary cupboard.