Becoming be more aware and less critical of your own thoughts


Many of the people in my life have bravely faced up to everything from depression and anxiety to insomnia and ADHD.

Looking at the magnitude of their challenges, I hesitate to call my personal journey with mental health issues “a battle”. But I have clashed with burnout and depression. I’ve had skirmishes with insomnia and close encounters with anxiety.

As I’ve written before, these things are now largely under control. I’m lucky to have the support and understanding of a loving family.

I’ve had some helpful therapy sessions and my daily combo of writing, meditation, running and a small dose of SSRI’s appear to be working well in concert.

I’ve been using the Headspace meditation app for about a year. The content doesn’t have a spiritual bias, so anyone can use it. I’ve gone through many courses and its helping me become more aware of the individual moments in life.

Meditation has also taught me to be more aware and less critical of my own thoughts. Speaking of which, I just finished the book Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. It reminded me how important our own thoughts are:

“I’ve often wondered how it is that every person loves themself more than anyone else, but yet sets less value on their own opinion of themself than on the opinion of others.”