BS makes good manure but unhealthy work relationships


A service provider built a team to deliver a key project for us. They’ve been looking to add to this team and needed me to interview the shortlisted candidates.

In our weekly meeting yesterday we discussed overall progress, things that needed tweaking and other issues. Then their COO asked if I’ve reviewed the 3 CVs he sent me.

I told them I had a busy week. I was on a panel recruiting resilience engineers for a major bank program. I explained that we had done 25 interviews in six days.

Their CEO and COO nodded politely. I offered the customary apology and promised to try to get them feedback soon.

A few minutes later we were concluding the meeting. Then it hit me. They’d been asking me to look at those CVs for over a week. I was holding up progress.

I said: “Sorry, one last thing. I’m not going to let myself get away with that. I told you last week I would make time to give you feedback and I didn’t. That’s not okay. I’m holding things up. You will have feedback today.”

There was a knowing smile on their CEOs face. We all knew the truth. Yes, they’re the vendor and I represent the client. But I want healthy, horizontal relationships. Titles and roles matter less than outcomes. To build those kinds of relationships you have to call BS on yourself.