Clear communication is better than correct communication


It doesn’t matter if you’re right if people don’t understand what you are saying.

I always thought being right was the foundation of being a good communicator. Was everything I said complete, true and correct? Right down to the last detail?

Over time I realized that none of that mattered if people didn’t understand what I was saying. Or worse... they thought they understood but actually misunderstood.

“The real problem in speech is not precise language. The problem is clear language.”

That’s one Mr. Richard Feynman. He really got the heart of this clarity of communication stuff. He passed away in 1988 but there are people alive today who are still carrying the torch of effective communication.

People like Jason Fried and DHH, the co-founders of Basecamp. Their  guide to internal communication” is a veritable treasure trove. Just read it. Like right now. You won’t be sorry.

Their approach to communication inspires me. Below is a sampling of their insights...

“Poor communication creates more work.”

“Five people in a room for an hour isn't a one hour meeting, it's a five hour meeting. Be mindful of the tradeoffs.”

“Write at the right time... You may have some spare time on a Sunday afternoon... but putting it out there on Sunday may pull people back into work on the weekends.”