Donate your unique self to your family and colleagues


I’ve donated blood many times. I don’t mind the needle and feel fine afterwards. But I must admit, these days I’m too selfish to do it.

It all changed four years ago after I started exercising. I remember my last donation. I was fine until the next morning. I put on my running shoes and tried to hit the road. But the road hit me.

A whole year’s fitness work evaporated in a moment. Either gravity had doubled or one of my lungs had been stolen in a clandestine overnight surgery to sell on the dark web. It took me weeks to get back to normal.

If my name was James Harrison I would ignore this devastating effect on my fitness though. He’s a donor whose unusual plasma composition has been used to make a treatment for Rhesus disease.

The guy made over 1000 donations in his lifetime and is estimated to have saved over 2 million unborn babies from the condition!

It got me thinking how we all have different personalties, passions and strengths. Just like James’ plasma. We have daily opportunities to “donate” our unique selves to our family at home and team at work.

But we have to actually contribute. Don’t constantly linger halfway in between rest and work like a ghost or a spy. That’s filling out the form and leaving without donating.