High performers beware: You are likely to run out of virtue before time


Diligence is a powerful word. It encapsulates being active, incisive and determined. Diligent people often grow in efficiency and effectiveness over time.

From the outside it looks like they are creating extra minutes or even hours where it does not exist. The line between diligence and pure magic becomes blurred.

They typically use these pockets of time for more personal development, to invest in their team or for networking. They create virtuous circles of productivity.

It sounds like productivity heaven. I know many engineers, executives and entrepreneurs who want nothing more than to walk through those pearly gates.

Real Life™️ has taught me something important though: The more effective and efficient I become, the more likely I am to run out of virtue long before I run out of time.

But why? Because we underestimate the human body and mind’s immense need for rest and reflection. Without these key elements our so called virtuous circle becomes a straight line to burnout.

In seasons of peak performance I feel like I’m flying. I’m unstoppable. Then my physiology puts me on the ground. Turns out I’m very stoppable.

It’s better to weave rest and reflection into the fabric of daily and annual life than to suffer the pain of regular crash landings.