If you have time to consume then you have time to produce


Perfectionism has two children: One named “never finishing” and the other “not starting”.

If it’s never good enough then it’s never finished. If it’s never finished then you never share, publish or use it.

And if you never release something into the wild, then you never get feedback. And without feedback... Well, then you never develop and grow. In this way perfectionism is an oxymoron.

As a recovering perfectionist myself, one of my mantras these days is: “Done beats perfect”.

The other thing perfectionism does is paralyze. It forces you to live in your head instead of the real world and never even start.

Not starting and not finishing are two sides of the same coin. The ego prefers not starting because then it can’t fail. It trades in courage and creativity for a comfortable cocoon of consumption.

I’m too busy. I’m this or that. But if you have time to consume then you have time to produce!

I had a tough weekend. I didn’t sleep much last night. (Work related). But I still quickly wrote this while drinking my morning coffee.

Is this article perfect? Hell no! But will I get feedback and improve? You bet your ass!

I’ve started my day contributing instead of consuming. If a tired, insecure perfectionist can take the leap. Then so can you.