In praise of praise


Compliments and kindness stand in stark contrast with the negativity that often fills our lives.

A few people who I greatly respect gave me some positive feedback recently. Their words of encouragement meant the world.

Why does affirmation stand out so much? Because it’s easier to criticize. So any sort of compliment or kindness stands in stark contrast with the negativity that often fills our day to day lives.

These people don’t know how timely their input has been. It’s given me pause for reflection and allowed me to admit to myself that I’ve spent large parts of this year wondering if I’m headed in the right direction. Their words were an unknowing intervention which has helped me gain a healthier perspective on my year.

I’ve actually written them down in a notebook. I can now carry the date, name and positive feedback with me. 

Maybe I will keep adding to this journal of encouragement over time and then occasionally read through it and remind myself that I’ve made valuable and felt contributions to people around me.

In my own life it makes me want to be more generous with my praise for the amazing people that touch my life.

I’m grateful for my wife, daughters, close friends and extended family. For my teams at work and for my mentors. These are the people that I love and who make me feel loved. Together they give my life meaning and make every day worth living.