Music can affect your productivity and performance


There’s a scene in The Internship where Nick and Billy are on their way to meet a client for dinner. They want to get in the zone and decide to put on some music. Not just any music, but their special “Get Psyched” mix.

This really hits home for me. I don’t often listen to music, but when I do it can affect me deeply. We all have some songs that get us rev’d up. Music is incredibly powerful.

Josh Waitzkin had a trigger song for the 2004 Tai Chi World Championship. He listened to it during the three month training camp and between the finals and sudden death playoff.

Years later they played it at a conference as he took the stage. He said after hearing just two bars he was “ready to fight like 10 dudes”.

My garage that’s been converted into a home office can sometimes feel a bit isolated and cave like. So I’ve been experimenting with music and sound while figuring out how to work from home.

I bought an app that lets me play background sounds. I’ve rotated through camp fire, ocean and forest sounds. On other days when my energy feels a bit low I put on upbeat background mixes off YouTube. It has actually made a big difference.

It all comes back to the principle of living deliberately and shaping your environment because it will ultimately shape you.