Performance management is no laughing matter
Some leaders don't have a solid understanding of what performance excellence actually is. Unfortunately the joke’s on them.
Companies spend a lot of time and money identifying and rewarding top performers.
So it’s quite funny how many people don’t actually understand much about outstanding performance. Being a top performer is no laughing matter though. Just ask world class comedian Chris Rock.
When preparing brand new material, he visits smaller nightclubs. He goes as many times as needed to test hundreds of potential new jokes. His trusty notepad by his side. Jotting down which jokes worked well, which needs some work and which should be scrapped altogether.
Perhaps a bit less “spontaneous creative genius” and more “methodical and scientific” than one would have thought? The words diligent, systematic and well organized spring to mind.
Being a top performer is no laughing matter indeed. Turns out that preparation, pragmatism and a consistent professional approach sets people apart in the long run.
Investing time and money into performance reviews and management is fine. But, if we don’t pair that with a thorough understanding of what performance excellence actually is, well, then the joke’s on us.