Push your leaders over the edge of their comfort zone


I remember when my daughters couldn’t swim properly without water wings yet. We were always worried they might fall into a swimming pool. Then one day I just pushed them in.

We discussed it first of course. I asked them what they would do if they fell into a pool by accident with no one around to help. They said they’d have to try and doggie paddle to the edge and climb out.

We then agreed that under my supervision we would practice it. They took turns getting pushed in and then had to make a plan to get out. If anything went wrong I would be there to help.

They surprised me actually. Despite not being good swimmers yet, they managed okay and were able to get out. We practiced it many times until everyone was confident that if someone ever fell in they would know exactly what to do.

Most of the people I lead at work are leaders themselves. One of the things I look for is opportunities to push them into the pool.

Pushing them over the edge of their comfort zone and giving them feedback and advice helps them grow proactively.

Some situation will inevitably place a demand on their ability anyway. Push and practice now is better than sink or swim later.

I finally took the pool net off that day. Maybe there are some safety nets in your teams that have served their purpose too.