self-devouring, navel-centered fantasies and self-delusions"


Imagine if SpaceX never launched anything? For starters they would have to change their name to EarthX which just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Imagine if SpaceX never launched anything? For starters they would have to change their name to EarthX which just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

I’m about to launch a website that’s been on my mind for some time but only started building a few days ago. I’ve been busy but also just procrastinating.

I’m resisting my perfectionist tendencies to get a working version out there with less polish than I’d prefer.

Why? Because getting something in front of users will allow it to evolve. To become what it NEEDS to be instead of what I think it SHOULD be.

I remember having the idea for those green & red lights in parking lots. The ones that show you available bays. This was about 3 years before any malls had them. But I did nothing with the idea!

This time I’m shipping! I’m too excited to wait forever to launch it. I can always enhance it over time.

Let me end with 2 quotes from one of my favorite books. “Do The Work” by Steven Pressfield:

"Finishing is the critical part of any project. If we can’t finish, all our work is for nothing"

"When we ship, we open ourselves to judgment in the real world. Nothing is more empowering, because it plants us solidly on Planet Earth and gets us out of our self-devouring, navel-centered fantasies and self-delusions"