Shape your environment because it shapes you


What is easier, changing human nature or changing your environment?

We are far more impressionable than we realize.

I know some incredibly smart, highly successful people who freely admit just how influenceable they are. I often catch myself being pulled in a certain direction purely based on the magnetic forces around me.

James Clear explains in his excellent book Atomic Habits how we imitate the habits of three groups:

  • The close
  • The many
  • The powerful

What is easier, changing human nature or changing the composition of these three groups?

That’s a trick question because changing human nature is virtually impossible but although not trivial you can certainly change your environment. And your environment will in turn change you.

Who are your friends? What books do you read? Where do you work? What clubs, teams or communities do you belong to? Who do you follow on Twitter, Insta or LinkedIn?

Mahatma Gandhi captured this idea beautifully when he said: “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.”