Sometimes it pays to be a strange cat
There are advantages to not just always doing what everyone else is doing.
I really don’t enjoy simply doing what the majority of people do. This must make me look like a bit of a strange cat. The exception would be those who’ve known me long enough to understand the method behind my madness.
So why be different?
1 - I‘m always looking for above average results
“You have to be willing to look like an idiot in the short run to outperform in the long run. While copying what others already do helps achieve average results quickly, common approaches never outperform. What ends as better starts as being different.” - Shane Parish
2 - I want an interesting life
The path less traveled is usually more surprising and challenging. This keeps me learning and on my toes. When I’m not challenged I find it hard to enjoy something.
I’d rather play against opponents that are better than me and try up my game than have an easy match.
3 - I want to express myself
If you only ever do what everyone else does, you leave very little room for creativity or self-expression.
I bought a Z4 as part of my turning-40 therapy aka mid-life crisis. There are only 110,000 of my model in the whole world. BMW made every one of them in a little German town called Regensburg.
Whenever I think about that it makes me happy. No one else cares, but I do.