The habits I built are more important than the masters degree I’ll complete in 2020


I’m on track to finish my masters degree in 18 months. Unfortunately for me - and my weekends - the normal three years was not an option. But achieving this goal will be one of the least important things I did this year.

My scholarship at the University of South Australia expires in December. So in April I did the math. I could save myself R350,000 by finishing this year. All I had to do was triple my coursework.

It’s what they call a BHAG. A big, hairy, audacious goal. I’m starting to think I might pull it off. And it feels good. I mean, who doesn’t like achieving a goal?

But that’s not the biggest thing that will stand out when I look back at 2020.

It’s also the first year where I read a book to my daughters most evenings before bed. Where I watched the sunrise every morning. And mediated on a daily basis.

Very few people will care if I finish my MBA or not. And truthfully, there are other ways to learn things. I’m also quite sure I will not be spending my weekends doing academic research once that final paper is submitted.

But on New Years Day my habits will be waiting for me. I’ll naturally wake up by 5.30 and grab a coffee. I’ll write, meditate and run 5km. After a shower I’ll put exactly 5 things on my todo list and Carpe Diem.

Goals give us direction and help us filter out distractions. But habits get us there and beyond.