Trusted, personal recommendations are better than algorithms


To achieve great things we can’t rely on best seller lists and algorithms to provide us with recommendations.

A while ago I discovered Derek Sivers because he was interviewed on a podcast that I listen to. I now believe that Derek is one of the sharpest thinkers and clearest communicators out there today.

I also discovered David Perell this year. Someone retweeted him and I quickly added him to the short list of about 35 people I follow on Twitter. His passion for writing is infectious.

Here’s the thing...

You’ve probably never heard of Derek Sivers or David Perell. Neither had I until 2019.

My point today is we can’t rely on algorithms to provide us with the best recommendations.

I went to an Unconference a few months ago. It’s not something I’d ever known about. But I went because my best friend invited me. It was one of the most thought provoking and insightful events I’ve ever attended.

A couple days ago a highly respected and trusted colleague shared a very cool motivational music playlist with me. I’d never heard of these songs. But I’ve listened to it and think I’ve stumbled onto some gems.

So this post is in praise of stumbling. Stumble onto great things by avoiding the average! Listen to your closest friends and follow the trail of breadcrumbs left behind by those people you admire.

Further reading: Article on algorithmic blind spots by David Perell