When the entirety of human information is in your pocket


If someone from the 1950’s appeared today, what‘s the most difficult thing to explain to them about life today?

I read the funniest thing on the Internet the other day. It was one of those question and answer jokes that went like this:

QUESTION - If someone from the 1950’s suddenly appeared today, what would be the most difficult thing to explain to them about life today?

ANSWER - I posses a device in my pocket that is capable of accessing the entirety of information known to man. I use it to look at pictures of cats and get into arguments with strangers.

A big part of why this is so funny is because it contains so much truth. As for my own journey, I feel like the writing and meditation habits I’ve developed in the last year have helped me limit the amount of time I waste on social media.

Sometimes it’s easier to replace a bad habit with a good one than to just try stopping the bad habit cold turkey.