During lockdown our family invested in a MasterClass subscription. We’ve learnt about gardening, space travel and game design. It’s been a real treat watching world class pros wax eloquent about their craft.
What is more important: Complexity or clarity? Sophistication is often necessary for greatness. But exposed complexity mainly impresses your peers. Clarity is what impresses your customers.
What image does the word COURAGE conjure in your mind? Do you picture a knight in shining armor? Or a member of the fire brigade running into a burning building?
I had some critical things to do this week. The problem was dealing with email, attending meetings and still finishing the important stuff. Fortunately I was able to use a trick I learnt from Alexander the Great.
I grabbed a virtual coffee with a young developer recently. He eagerly told me about his impressive multi-monitor work from home setup. Then he popped a question that got me thinking.
We often wish we could do the things that someone else is able to do. The wishful thinking usually comes with a belief that we were born with a certain set of abilities and limitations. It would take a miracle for us to be better.
We’ve been educating our pre-teen daughters on what constituted popular songs back when mom and dad were young. One of those was a punk hit that reminded me of how important perspective is.
There’s a scene in The Internship where Nick and Billy are on their way to meet a client for dinner. They want to get in the zone and decide to put on some music. Not just any music, but their special “Get Psyched” mix.