I had one of THOSE nights last night. Went to bed at 9.30. Woke up an hour later. Rolled around. Fell asleep but woke up again at 1.00. Rinse & repeat. This little sleep circus was in town till 6.00am.
The other day my oldest daughter got into the car with a very excited look on her face. As we drove to school I asked her what was going on. Her reply? Dad, today we are getting back our test scores and I can’t wait to hear how I did.
Ever had that feeling that you should have done something 10 years ago? Ever feel like now you’ve lost the opportunity and you can’t ever do it? I’ve definitely been there.
I really think one can be good at hiring. In fact, I think one can be excellent at it. But being great at anything requires deliberate practice and a willingness to learn.
One of my favorite books of all time is surprisingly not a business book. It’s not about technology, leadership or behavioral economics either. It’s a book about design.